Network Enforcer - Network Security Software
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What if you could place a network supervisor behind each user on your network that made sure users stayed on task and did not perform unwanted behaviors? Now, what if you could do that in a cost-effective manner, without violating each user's privacy?

Network Enforcer represents the latest in network supervision software that allows you to do just that. While running invisibly on each computer on your network, Network Enforcer watches what users do and reacts accordingly depending on what behaviors you have set to be unwanted on your network.

Network Enforcer supervision software allows you to create behavior filters that apply to every computer on a network, or only specific computers, giving you complete control over user behaviors.

Network Enforcer does not log unnecessary user activity - it only logs events that trigger behavior filters you tell it to watch for. If a user sends an email with an unauthorized attachment, for example, Network Enforcer will only log data relevant to that email.

With Network Enforcer, you will no longer have to sift through thousands of harmless user activity logs to find unwanted network behaviors. Network Enforcer network supervision software assumes users are trustworthy, and only watches for the undesired behaviors you tell it to.

Programs ExecutedPrograms Executed
Network Enforcer supervision software can watch every program and application that is ran by users and respond accordingly. Network Enforcer can tell you what the exact program was that the user ran, and when.

Website VisitsWebsite Visits
Network Enforcer supervision software can watch every website that is visited by users and respond accordingly. Network Enforcer works with all popular browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, AOL, and Netscape.

File and Document UsageFile and Document Usage
Network Enforcer supervision software can watch over and respond to every file action that occurs on your computers - including file creations, modifications, deletions, and openings. If a user connects a portable thumb drive to the computer, Network Enforcer will watch activity on that drive also, as to prevent data theft.

Email ActivitiesEmail Activities
Network Enforcer supervision software can watch all POP3 and SMTP email activity and alert you when emails are sent outside of your network domain, when emails contain specific recipients, domains, or senders, when emails contain certain subjects, or even when emails contain unwanted or insecure attachments.

Keystroke Phrases TypedKeystroke Phrases Typed
Network Enforcer supervision software can watch and respond to every single keystroke that users type and check to see if they type specific phrases that you want to watch for - such as passwords, names, addresses, top secret information, and more.

Windows OpenedWindows Opened
Network Enforcer supervision software can watch and respond to every window users interact with on their computer. By specifying window titles or captions to watch for, Network Enforcer can track any window activity.

Internet ConnectionsInternet Connections
Network Enforcer supervision software can watch every internet connection (incoming and outgoing) established on your computers, and alert you when unwanted connections to/from certain hosts, ports, or protocols are made.

Network Supervision in ActionSee Network Enforcer Supervision Capabilities in Action!

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Network Enforcer

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Network Supervision
Employee Restriction
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Network Usage Reports
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Enforcer Used As

Network Security Software
Intellectual Property
Network Behavior Analysis
Employee Supervising
Network Behavior Controls
Enterprise Network Security
Network Activity Logging

User Testimonials

"Hi Scott. Thanks for all of your support. I wanted to let you know I got Network Enforcer installed last week. Enforcer is powerful! I think we finally know who has been violating our employee policies and snooping around our network. I can't thank you enough! - George Hutcheson"
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